The most popular service MacTampa offers is free: choice. We provide the information
that allows consumers to make an educated and critical choice before deciding a personal
or professional computer platform. This web site provides this information for free and
will be updated daily with the latest information about the computer industry that
privileges the Mac (and some that doesnt, if we can find it) and shows tidbits about
the inferiority of the dominant platform.
MacTampa also provides personal consulting and estimates for computer systems, installation,
and maintenance, ranging from one personal system to networked schools and small businesses.
For this service, we charge hourly for research and meeting time, giving the first hour free
(See Pricing below).
Installation and Upgrades
MacTampa installs and upgrades any Apple products from personal systems to small business
networks, up to 500 machines. Prices will be charged according to the size of the job.
Any installation will receive 1 free service hour (technical support), either via phone
or personal visit (See Pricing below).
MacTampa maintains and troubleshoots any personal system to Macintosh network either for
an hourly charge
or through contract work (See Pricing below).
MacTampa offers individual and group, formal and informal training sessions on all aspects of
Macintosh hardware and software, including general MacOS training, TCP/IP, AppleTalk,
troubleshooting, commercial software packages, and just about anything else having to do
with the Mac. Have a topic in mind? Contact us.
In an effort to cater our services to the specific needs of our customers, we give each
potential client a personal, written estimate based on their current needs. In order to
facilitate each request as quickly as possible, we recommend that potential customers
or email us with as many specifics about their needs as they can,
so that we may supply them with the most accurate quotation in as little time as possible.
MacTampa encompasses the greater Tampa area. We will travel without charge in Hillsborough,
Pinellas, and Manatee counties. Coverage of Sarasota county is available without charge north
of Bee Ridge Road and west of I-75. Other areas of the statein the Tampa Bay area and
beyondare available; travel charges start at $35. Please
contact us for details.