Monopoly Watch
"GoBack!" to be incorporated into Windows "ME" [16 July 2000]
A new technology is going to dramatically change the way people with Windows do backupsthey're going to do them, now! (Like they shouldn't have to already, since Windows machines seem to crash so often, but who knew how?) Microsoft has licensed the system restore technology developed for Windows and is incorporating it into their "new" release, Windows "ME." (The "ME" stands for millenniumand some damned marketing fool thought that "ME" would be a good, catchy abbreviation for millennium. NOT.)
Anyway, what's so special about this that it warrants mention on the Tyranny page? Other than it's from Microsoft, I mean. Well, it works along an interesting principle: it saves "states" of your hard drive at predetermined intervals, allowing you to "restore" your system after a crash or unexpected problem. This means that before you call Tech Support and spend your hard-earned money talking with someone who has no clue about how to help you, simply launch the restore application and pick a date and time to restore to. Anything after that is lost, of course, but theoretically it's a better alternative, right?
Well, maybe. What no oneand I mean NONE of the siteshave mentioned are the security implications of such a move. |