Saturday, May 18, 2024 : TES > Courses > 1101 > Requirements

ENGL 1101: English Composition I

Course Requirements

Required Materials

Spiral Notebook for Journal
Soft-Cover Writing Folder with Pockets
An Internet account
Pathways: Models for Freshman Composition

Recommended Materials

A College Dictionary
Strunk and White’s Elements of Style

Distribution of Grades

For individual due dates, see the Syllabus. These major components, plus the others listed below, will be weighted as follows in determining students’ final grades:

Essays 40%
Journal 30%
Essay Exams 20%
Class Participation 10%

Essays / Essay Exams

Students will complete two, timed (60 minute), in-class essays on assigned topics, and two out-of-class essays based on two distinct journal entries. In-class essays should be written in black ink on one side of college-ruled paper, skipping every other line. Your name, class, my name, and date should appear in the upper-left-hand corner of the first page; all pages must have the your last name followed by the page number in the upper-right-hand corner 1/2-inch from the top. See also Course Policies on assignments and rewrites.

For the two out-of-class essays, you should select your favorite and/or best journal entry and rewrite it as a formal essay. These essays must be formatted according to the style of all assignments.

Since this is a writing class, essays will be weighted most heavily in the grading process. Two aspects of essays are critical in the grading process: mechanics and content. Always proofread any writing before submission.

Quizzes and Homework

Quizzes and additional assignments will be given periodically without forewarning; they will be based upon lectures, assigned readings, and handouts. Take everything we do in class seriously—it may be on a quiz. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

Class Participation

Regular class attendance and active participation in classroom discussion are required. Additional assistance can be obtained from the instructor during office hours, by appointment, or by email.

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