Monday, May 06, 2024 : TES > Documents > Profile

Detailed Student Profile Form

Your full name (Last, First)

Your email address

Last four digits of SS#:

Course Number (ENGL 1101, etc.)

Intended Major

Intended Career

What other courses are you taking this semester?

What do you like about English?

What do you dislike about English?

In what area of English do you feel you need the most work? Why?

How can I best help you as your English instructor?

What do you expect to learn in this course?

Do you prefer to work in a group or alone?
Group Alone

How much time will you devote to English homework?

What is the best novel, story, or poem you have ever read? Why?

What is least favorite novel, story, or poem you have ever read? Why?

What do you like to read in your spare time?

What are your hobbies and personal interests?

What are your favorite television shows?

What are your favorite movies?

What kind of music do you listen to?

Is there anything else that you would like to tell me about yourself?

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