July 7, 2001  

2.2.3 Printer Configuration

To make the printers work, you must point the workstations to the printer server we set up earlier. To do this, you must edit the /etc/printcap file, even though it warns you not to. Trust me, it’ll be OK:


You will need to replace “” with the IP address of your server, and both of the “name”s with the short name of your printer and the name of the spool directory — they should be the same. Once you change the /etc/printcap file, you must restart the print daemon:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd restart

And you should be ready to print. To try it out, let’s print a copy of the /etc/printcap file you just edited, so you can use it as a reference when configuring it on your other workstations:

lpr /etc/printcap

Your printer should deliver within seconds. If it does not, check your /etc/printcap file to see if everything is exactly the way I have it above. Also, check to see if your server is configured correctly in section 2.1.3 above.

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