Spring 1996

n an effort to further our avant garde approach to pedagogy (and to promote the ever-important pragmatism of working in several idioms), we decided to have our classes, broken into groups of three and four, design and implement their own HTML projects. These projects are based upon assigned class readings and represent general research into background information (biography, zeitgeist, etc.), class discussions, and explication. Each group will be critiqued solely by the other class members and, hopefully upon project completion, feel confident enough to continue solo projects beyond the boundries of this class.

Some of the information between projects might be redundant; however, each group deserves a look, even if it occasionally repeats certain important details. We are stressing imagination and creativity in both writing and page design. Any comments from the Internet community in general will be welcomed and appreciated.

Gerald Lucas's Classes

Tara Starr Pyne's Classes

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Last updated on 26 March 1996 by G. R. Lucas