MacTampa wants to equal the playing field. We have grown tired of certain companies FUD techniques. We believe in choice. And choice is only possible through informed, critical, and accessible facts and experience. We at MacTampa wish to provide our customers with these decision-making tools for their personal success as well as for all of our struggles over computer tyranny.
MacTampa Services
MacTampa offers an array of services that support all critical decisions involving the Macintosh
operating system: solutions consulting; hardware and software installations and upgrades;
personal maintenance and network troubleshooting; and training seminars and individual tutorials.
MacTampa 3Ts
How do they do that? Let us help to demystify all aspects of the MacOS with our section of tips,
tricks, and tutorials gleaned by experience and other Mac professionals, ranging from beginning
level, to intermediate, to Mac God.
Whats going on in the world of Mac? MacTampa wants to keep the local Mac community
appraised of nation and local events that affect any aspect of the MacOS.
Contact MacTampa
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the evil computer empire and want to rant? Search no
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Coming Soon
Profiles of local Mac users. Reviews of local resellers. Lists of pro-Mac businesses locally and
Overthrowing of the evil computer empire.