Categories and Sample Questions



  1. Electronic Communication
  2. Designing Visuals
  3. Memos and Short Reports
  4. Revising and Editing
  5. Definitions


Sample Questions

    Note: An underlined answer follows each sample question.

Electronic Communication

  1. What are discussion groups on specialized topics limited to subscribers? Listserv

  2. What is the technical term for sounds and animation used on the World Wide Web? Multimedia

  3. What is unsolicited or junk e-mail known as? Spamming

Designing Visuals

  1. What kind of graph often shows changes over time? Line graph

  2. What kind of image is used for aesthetic purposes? Graphic

  3. What kind of visual displays information in rows and columns for comparison? Table

Memos and Short Reports

  1. What information appears at the top of a memo? The name of the organization

  2. What is the only hand written information on a memo? Initials

  3. What type of memo makes suggestions, often in response to a specific reader request? Recommendation

Revising and Editing

  1. What is a tired, old phrase known as? Cliché

  2. Relative to quotation marks, where do commas go? Inside the quotation marks

  3. How often should you use contractions in a memo? Never


  1. What are two types of definitions? Parenthetical, sentence, or expanded

  2. What are three parts of a sentence definition? Term, class, and distinguishing features

  3. What is an expansion method that uses word origin to clarify its definition? Etymology

E-mail Group